Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A), formerly known as Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) can be combined with IVF treatment to detect chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. It is often recommended for specific patient groups who are at higher risk of miscarriage or have had recurring unsuccessful IVF cycles.

IVF with NGS Screening

What is PGT-A?

Advantages of IVF with PGT-A

IVF with NGS Screening

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF / ICSI)


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If PGT-A is recommended for your specific case, it will be explained in detail by your IVI consultant during your first consultation. You will then be able to make an informed decision before you begin your treatment cycle. IVF treatment with PGT-A will resemble the following pathway:

Ovarian Stimulation

Ovarian stimulation

Oocyte retrieval

egg collection


The process of fertilisation takes place in the laboratory. The insemination can be performed via conventional IVF, which involves placing an oocyte surrounded by spermatozoa in a culture plate, or via an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which involves depositing a live spermatozoon directly into the oocyte using a pipette. ICSI is only recommended in specific cases, and your consultant will explain this in detail if this is advised.

Embryo culture and PGT-A

Embryo culture and PGT-A

Embryo transfer

Embryo transfer
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

Freezing additional embryos


Couples with repeat miscarriages, multiple IVF failures, previous pregnancy with chromosomopathies and advanced maternal age

Each type of PGT has its individual characteristics, but in all of them it is necessary to perform an in vitro fertilisation cycle in order to genetically analyse the resulting embryos. After 13-15 days of ovarian stimulation, the eggs are obtained (follicular puncture). Once they are fertilised with the donor’s or the partner’s sperm, the embryos are cultured until the blastocyst stage, which corresponds to days 5 or 6 after the puncture. At this point the embryo biopsy is performed and on the same day the embryos are frozen until the genetic results are obtained, which usually takes 10-15 days. In a subsequent cycle, and after endometrial preparation, the chromosomally normal embryos will be transferred.

PGT-A may increase the success rates of an IVF cycle, especially in infertile patients with a history of unsuccessful treatment, in cases of advanced maternal age, couples with repeated miscarriages/implantation failures, and in couples with a high risk of miscarriage.

Mainly by means of high-resolution genetic techniques such as NGS (next generation sequencing).