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Book NowAnthropologists and sociologists have long recognised that the family unit represents the most basic universal building block on which society is built. In the 21st century, many types of families coexist: a nuclear family, a one-parent family, a family headed by a same-sex couple, a single generational or multi-generation extended family. But whichever the type… View Article
IVI London re-opens after the pandemic: Find out what the return to our clinic will be like Measuring the temperature before entering the clinic, providing masks and marking safe distances in the clinic are some of the safety measures taken in our assisted reproduction clinics All our laboratories are prepared to work with type… View Article
The importance of detecting the symptoms of ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer, is one of the most common cancers affecting women. Each year in the UK, 7,300 women are diagnosed with this form of cancer and the lifetime risk of developing it is around two per cent. Although it mainly affects women of non-reproductive age, just… View Article
As a result of the exceptional situation we are all living in, we have seen ourselves isolated for almost a month now. The IVI team is looking forward to resume all treatments that have been put on hold as soon as we can and it is safe for our patients. But in the meantime… View Article
This article was originally posted on 6 April 2020 in response to the developing COVID-19 situation. As of May 2020, all fertility treatment resumed safely at IVI London with enhanced COVID-19 safety protocols in place. Read our latest COVID-19 FAQs here. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, licensed fertility clinics have been given an order to… View Article
Infertility sometimes seems like one of the last social taboos, especially in an era when every passing year sees a previously unthinkable opening up of ‘private’ topics for discussion. Conversations about money and financial earnings, unheard of in previous generations, become easy topics for social chit-chat. On a more personal level, sexuality and gender identity… View Article
In our era of ever-improving treatments for cancer and higher survival rates, there are more and more people who can look forward to a cancer-clear future. As a result, many are now able to think about how cancer treatment itself may affect their future. This includes their chances of having a family. There are many… View Article
Both you and your partner may have assumed that once you’ve made the decision to start a family, the rest will follow naturally. For most people, it does. But, for those who find out that they will need fertility treatment to fulfil their dream of becoming parents, it can come as a major shock… View Article
We continue to fight the spread of COVID-19 with good judgement, common sense and always prioritizing the health and safety of our patients and society in general. The fundamental factor in achieving this is information, the key to defining the best way to act and respond to the uncertainty that may arise regarding the combination… View Article
Mother’s Day celebrates the unique relationship between a mother and her children. For those struggling with infertility, Mother’s Day can be painful, isolating and exhausting. At IVI London, we care for patients every day who are going through this experience. Although we cannot begin to understand how you are feeling, we wanted to offer some… View Article