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Book NowEffective birth control is one of the transformative medical advances that has allowed generations of women to take control of their own destinies. It’s easy to forget that since the pill was introduced in the UK in 1961, we have been at liberty to enjoy a level of personal freedom that our grandmothers never knew. Absolutely, birth control pills can cause infertility: that is what they are designed for! But of course that type of elective, temporary protection from involuntary pregnancy is not what we think of as infertility.
Make 2020 your year and start your fertility journey. The festive season is over, before seeking fertility advice from a medical expert why not get ahead of the game? We at IVI have pulled together some helpful hints and tips on how to improve your health and increase your fertility and get your year off… View Article
Coping with infertility at Christmas can be tough: anyone who is struggling to conceive, going through fertility treatment or has experienced an unsuccessful treatment will know this all too well. Another year has gone past, and your family is not yet complete. Christmas is a time of year closely tied to children. Therefore, it can… View Article
You may assume that artificial insemination is simply a matter of placing male sperm into a female vagina in order for conception to take place without the intervention of sex. In its very simplest form, this could be the case. In terms of assisted reproduction, it is a little more complicated than that – although not very much so.
Infertility can be a confusing time for anyone. Why can’t I get pregnant? When should I seek fertility advice? What is IVF? A lot of people put off fertility treatment because it can be quite daunting when in reality there are so many people in the same boat as you with all the same queries… View Article
Fragile X syndrome is the most frequently occurring cause of learning disability. It affects twice as many boys as girls, and the symptoms in boys are usually more severe. It can cause developmental delays in children with other symptoms sometimes similar to autism, and difficulties with language, learning and social interaction as well as emotional and behavioural problems. There are often some physical characteristics associated with the condition but these are difficult to detect in a baby or young child and as a result, diagnosis is often delayed until problems become apparent.
Your menstrual cycle can say a lot about your health. Whilst in most cases irregular periods aren’t anything serious, there are occasions where they can signal health problems. What is your period? Your period is one of the stages your body goes through during its monthly menstrual cycle. Each month, your body prepares itself… View Article
Infertility is not as uncommon as you think Infertility is more common than people realise: it affects around 20% of couples. The causes of infertility can be down to a number of things, but generally speaking, 30% of infertility issues are due to the woman and 30% of the time it is due to the… View Article
It’s a fact of life that the IVF process involves regular injections to administer the necessary medication. The hormonal drugs that they deliver are essential to the process, but that doesn’t make the prospect any more fun for those embarking on a programme of IVF. For those who have never been through the process, the sheer number of injections may come as a bit of a surprise. How painful are IVF injections? Not at all, not much, quite a lot… all of these are true, at different times, for different people.
Many women experiencing periods can tell you it’s not the nicest ‘Time Of The Month’. Like everything else, your experience with periods can be different depending on the person however, very few people are aware that extremely painful periods can be due to something else: Endometriosis. Endometriosis is one of the most common gynaecological conditions… View Article