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Book NowFollicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is an important part of the human reproductive system. Its role is to trigger the development of ovarian follicles in the monthly menstrual cycle which, when everything is working as it should, leads to ovulation. Levels fluctuate throughout the month according to where you are in the cycle and so the timing of any measurement is important. High FSH and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive but, at the same time, elevated levels could indicate a decline in fertility.
As a single woman, your fertility options are very similar to those of any other woman looking to become a parent. There’s certainly no need to find a fertility clinic for single women: at all of our IVI clinics you will be treated with exactly the same respect, courtesy and care that we offer to all of our patients.
A hysterosalpingogram, also known as uterosalpingography, is a type of specialist X-ray used to examine the shape and structure of a woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes. It is most frequently used in fertility, as it can be part of the tests done to assess couples dealing with difficulties to conceive however is not always needed if the patients are going for an IVF procedure as this treatment bypasses the tubes completely.
Choosing to start your fertility journey is a big moment, and it can also be a daunting one. So we have written this blog to help you get the most out of your IVI first consultation. Be ready to answer the Doctor’s questions To determine the right treatment for you, the doctor will ask you… View Article
It is always lovely to see a set of twin babies, twin sisters, twin brothers, double pushchairs, double cots, it’s another indicator of how amazing the miracle of life really is. Nevertheless, a lot of people are not aware of the health risks that come with multiple pregnancies to both the mother and baby and… View Article
Preconception health is now recognised as a vital factor in a healthy conception, pregnancy and birth. You could even re-think the duration of pregnancy as being one year long rather than a nine-month project. There’s plenty of information out there on the importance of avoiding the harm that tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs can do, but not so much on the ‘softer’ aspects of preconception health care, revolving around exercise, sleep and stress.
It’s a sad fact of life that miscarriage, defined by the NHS as the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks, is quite a common occurrence. They estimate that around one in eight pregnancies end in miscarriage. This is among women who know that they are pregnant; many more happen before a woman is even aware she is pregnant. Obviously in the light of these figures, it’s fairly likely that this will happen to someone in your family or circle of friends and colleagues.
2019 #BreastCancerAwareness month has been another successful month for creating awareness of the disease and an opportunity to hear the amazing stories of those women who have won the battle. But what happens to those women afterwards, can they go on and lead a normal life? Or has their life plan had to change? A… View Article
Several recent reports have confirmed what many people have suspected for some time: that infertility rates in the UK are rising. This is not a new phenomenon, there has been a dramatic increase in infertility over the last 60 years or so. We are not alone in this, in fact the rise in infertility is reflected throughout the developed world.
Over 55,000 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK. In this post we are going to hear the amazing story of a women who won the battle against cancer and began her motherhood journey. Susana’s Story In 2007 IVI launched the ‘Becoming a mother after Cancer’ program and 7 years ago… View Article